Sunday, November 30, 2008

We survived Thanksgiving! We had 18 people and managed to seat them all in our little house. It took some creative arranging and a little squishing, but it was nice to have everyone in the house and seated for dinner. In the morning, Mike took all the men and kids on a Thanksgiving Day hike at Oso Flaco Lake (This, I think, is a great new tradition). This left only the women, one napping baby, and Gary (who stayed at home to read Twilight), at home to prepare dinner. We were able to get most of dinner going and the tables set while they were gone. Gary is a great help because he is tall and strong and cooperative. He brought in tables and chairs and moved things and reached things and read whenever he could. (A teenage son can be so useful.) It was a nice weekend. The cousins played well together and the adults all played nice also. Pop made pancakes for Breakfast on Friday and we all had pancakes and pie for breakfast. In the afternoon we went down to the butterfly grove, we walked along the beach and looked at butterflies. I just love that we get Monarch Butterflies just down the street from us, they overwinter here in the central coast from October to March. Well, we enjoyed having everyone here and miss you all.


Grammy said...

Sounds like a really full happy house. I'm glad to hear it all went well. Maybe next year I'll send all my kids to you...since they were sooo bored here all by themselves!

Unknown said...

ahhhh...sounds just about perfect. Gary is such a good kid. I wish I had one of those in my house. The hike sounds cool. I would have been torn between the hike and hanging out with the women. Did anyone take pictures???

jbahen said...

Wish we could have been there, but then again our crew could have blown your nice Thankgiving all to hell. At this point only starting to look rather small. I've heard nothing but good things from those in attendance. So ya up for next year????