Saturday, November 15, 2008

My little girl is trying to grow up too fast. Today, she was invited to a birthday party. The party is for a little boy that is in her school and church class. She was really excited to go, but was upset to find out the I intended to stay at the park during the party. She wanted to just be dropped off at the party. She came up with what she thought was a "great idea". She wanted to take my cell phone and just call me when the party was over...I'm am still speechless....I took her to the party and stayed. What a crushing blow to my sweet little girl (Insert tears and whining). I was really surprised to see that the only other Mothers there had daughters. Mothers of boys dropped them off and came back, but mothers of girls stayed and sat in the hot sun, watched the kids play and chatted with each other. Is this a double standard or was it coincidence that the nervous mothers had girls?

For fun tonight, Mike is taking Gary and our nephew Konner to the roller derby in Paso Robles. (Yes, I said Roller Derby.) I wasn't interested on going myself, so I am staying home with Jenessa and Gavin. Since Parker is at the lake with a friend and his family, it is just me a little ones. I am not sure what to do with only two kids and a whole evening with nothing to do.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

I think I could come up with lots of ideas if I only had me and two kids at home... and just for the record I don't leave my boys at parties either, but then I know I'm paranoid...I did let Zachary stay at a party by himself a couple of weeks ago, for a whole 45 minutes (I stayed for awhile when I dropped him off then came back early) and I can't believe you wouldn't just let Jenessa have the phone!