Friday, December 17, 2010

I love this time of year, although it goes by too quickly. I am not done shopping or wrapping and time is running out.  It feels like a race to Christmas Eve and I run and run and run and then on Christmas Eve I admit defeat and throw in the towel.  So here is the quick view of the Mallory’s in 2010.

Gary is a senior and going to graduate this year. He is taking culinary arts and is a very good cook. He plans on going to Utah to go to college.  He has received his acceptance letter from Utah Valley University and won't be leaving until summer, however, I am already missing him.

Parker is in 6th grade and needs his own personal assistant. He is playing basketball, taking karate lessons, in an advanced math class that meets before school, doing DI with a the same team from last year, and practicing his trumpet everyday. He is a perfectionist and at 10:00 last night he remembered he had a paragraph to type and turn in today.  He was in a full panic attack.  I gave him 15 min to write it and told him we could type it in the morning.  Problem solved.  (He is so very careful about doing his school work and so very hard on himself if he messes something up.)

Jenessa is my social butterfly and in 3rd grade. She has an incredible amount of friends and is always making new ones. She is taking dance classes and karate lessons.  This girl is in a BIG hurry to grow up.  Her Christmas list included a cell phone, a tv for her room, high heels, and make up; all of which I told her she would not be getting.  The second list included a barbie, squinkies, a jump rope and clothes, and maybe a phone so I will always be able to get a hold of her. (Again No to the Phone.)
Gavin is in 1st grade and loves it. Last year, he hated that the big kids went to school without him and he had to go to the babysitter. Now, he is big and gets to walk to and from school with Parker and Jenessa.   He does ask everyday," Is this a school day?" and grumbles about getting up, but he gets up and dresses himself and heads to the kitchen to get his own breakfast.  He keeps me in stitches with his sense of humor.

The last thing I am going to share today is this, we are cat people.  This is news to us.  We always thought that we were dog people and so this is a surprise to all of us.  We went to the humane society to find a dog, and after two visits, we just could not find a dog that we all liked.  But on a visit to Taft to see Mema, we found a stray kitten that the kids played with and fed. When it was time to come home, the poor sick little kitty came with us.  After two visits to the vet and two rounds of antibiotics, and two treatments for ear mites, we have a cat.  We all love Ninja and are entertained by his antics, and apparently we are all very trainable.  As the saying goes, Dogs have Masters, Cats have Servants.

We continue working on our house, (and it needs so much work), working at our jobs, and raising our kids. Life is good here on the central coast and we welcome any visitors.  We have the beach to relax at, mountains to climb, an outlet mall to shop, and for April we have a brand new In and Out.  We thank Momo and Pop, April and Kids, Conder and Kids, Josh and Amy and kids, and Pete, and Bruce and Judy and their grand daughter, and Cori and Danny and their wonderful boys,  for coming to see us this year and the welcome mat is always out.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Parker is Twelve

I can't believe my Parker Boo Boo is twelve.  He is very excited and happy about this milestone, becoming a deacon and achieving first class in scouting.  The boy is busy.  He is still taking Karate lessons, as well as band and advanced math.  He is starting DI again, with the team really shooting for globals in Tennesse. And Basketball is starting soon.  He needs a full time assistant.  We couldn't love him any more than we do.

Gary goes to Homecoming

Gary and his date for Homecoming, Brooke Toste.  Don't they look cute.

Fall Festival Cakes

Last year we made the black spider cake for the fall festival cake decorating contest.  It came in second place.  This year we made an octopus eating a hamburger and we came in third.  Gavin is only in first grade so I have five more chances at first.

Friday, April 30, 2010

My Gavin....

He said some really cute and funny things this week.   So I have to share...

First:  I had to call the school to excuse Parker from school for being Ill, and Gavin added "and he is sick too".  The lady on the other end of the line laughed out loud.  So did I.

Second: He came home from Kindergarten with a three inch tall corn plant and announced "Mom, you don't need to buy corn anymore because I have a corn plant for us."

Third: In his excitement over the corn plant he decided to list the other things we could plant, among the list an "abacado plant", I said "you mean avocado."  He replied "Aaavvv-bacado."

And Lastly:  He wants me to plant "matatoes in one of those hangy things".  He means tomatoes.

I have giggled and laughed about this all week and shared it with many of my patients, who have to laugh and be polite or I may poke them with a sharp instrument.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Santa Barbara Zoo

We went to the Santa Barbara zoo and
saw exotic and wild animals,
but, the cutest
and loveliest little monkeys...
were these.

Aren't they something special?
You just don't see specimens like this everyday.

Eight Is Great!

Our Lovely Lady is 8 years old.

We had a bubble party on a windy March 20th...
with a great bunch of girls from Jenessa's class.

Jenessa wanted her ears pierced for her birthday and told all her friends that she wanted earrings for her birthday.  They all came through and at the end of the day, she had 30 pairs of earrings. She has been counting the days until she can change her earrings everyday.  It is so fun to be a girl.

Karate Tournament

Parker took First Place in Weapon Kata and Traditional Kata.

Jenessa earned Third in sparring

.  Gavin's first tournament and he took fourth in sparring.

This was our third year traveling to the Oxnard Tournament, the kids really like to go to this competition.  It is fun, well organized, and everybody gets a medal for participation.  We have been lucky that Mike has been able to go each time, so it turns into a fun family day.  The kids really like that we go out to dinner at the end of the day.