Friday, April 30, 2010

My Gavin....

He said some really cute and funny things this week.   So I have to share...

First:  I had to call the school to excuse Parker from school for being Ill, and Gavin added "and he is sick too".  The lady on the other end of the line laughed out loud.  So did I.

Second: He came home from Kindergarten with a three inch tall corn plant and announced "Mom, you don't need to buy corn anymore because I have a corn plant for us."

Third: In his excitement over the corn plant he decided to list the other things we could plant, among the list an "abacado plant", I said "you mean avocado."  He replied "Aaavvv-bacado."

And Lastly:  He wants me to plant "matatoes in one of those hangy things".  He means tomatoes.

I have giggled and laughed about this all week and shared it with many of my patients, who have to laugh and be polite or I may poke them with a sharp instrument.


Aunt Lisa said...

Love cute!

Grammy said...

We would love some abacados if you do plant them! He is funny.

Suzanne C said...

Kindergarteners are the best!