Monday, February 9, 2009

My Baby Boy turned FIVE! He is excited about taking karate and going to the big school. We had a very fun day. He decided he wanted a rocket cake and was a little disappointed that it did not stand up or have real smoke. We watch Ace of Cakes every week and he has very high expectations.


Grammy said...

Awesome cake for the big boy! I'm sure it's not just "ace of Cakes" you are competing with... you did make that volcano cake that errupted remember? We had fun visiting you guys. All the kids are getting so big. It makes me kinda sad.

jbahen said...

Loved the cake! Next year all of your kids will be in school...AHHH On to the next faze I guess. I was almost there, then Bridger came...oh well I will enjoy a few more years of babies I guess!

PB and J said...

Happy belated birthday Gavin! The cake looks awesome. It sounds like you had a BLAST! We miss you guys.
Uncle Peter, Aunt Jessica, Tyler and Ethan